41. Split Salon / Not completely lost to each other /

Stella Leboš, Luana Lojić, Maja Marković
Nov 19th 2021. - Feb 15th 2022.
Salon Galić, Marmontova 3, Split; KBC Split, Spinčićeva 1, Split
Curator: Ivana Meštrov

Exhibition associate: Ana Janevski

Event organization and production: HULU Split

Curatorial assistant: Ana Bratić

Visual identity: Neva Zidić

Exhibition setup associate: Duška Boban

Technical support: Slaven Bratković, Vanja Pagar, Franko Sardelić, Ivor Koren

Photo documentation: Žaklina Antonijević

Video documentation: Josip Rogošić

English translation: Lucija Ečim, Lidija Toman

Exhibition mediators: Josipa Balajić, Lucija Ečim, Blaženka Miše

After a two-year break, major Split contemporary art manifestation is back in town.

41st Split Salon under the title Not definitely lost to each other presents visual artists, collectives, and collaborating organizations whose visual works and projects further complexities of feminist genealogies, encourage productive dialogues amongst generations as a means of creating more equitable histories, and envision a more inclusive and sustainable present, locally, and even beyond that.

Seen primarily in the light of social-cultural historiography rather than through the history of exhibitions alone, the format of the Salon has, at certain times, provided the space and time for discussion and information exchange outside of established social-class norms (throughout the 17th century)as well as a space – not without ambivalence, though – of women's socio-political activities (throughout the 19th century). Today, we’re transforming it into a one-of-a-kind place where distinct, seemingly conflicting spaces and times converge, on crossroads of theory and practice, performing as motivators of small acts of attention directed towards imperceptible and marginalized objects, subjects and topics, ephemeral artistic forms, and physical presences.

The title Not definitely lost to each other points out that this year’s 41st Split Salon unravels in loose, but not an unrelated correlation with the city of Split. The Salon will be occupying different locations across the city through a couple of exhibition performances planned for specific locations (Multimedia Cultural Center Split, Salon Galić, Aquarium Bačvice), feminist art interventions in permanent museum exhibition displays (Croatian Maritime Museum Split), valorization of modern architectural-urbanistic complexes and healthcare premises in times of pandemic and quietude (newly established Exhibition space Zoja Dumengjić in Clinical Hospital Center Split), collaboration among cultural institutions (Croatian Maritime Museum Split) and within an independent cultural scene (queeranarchive, Kvart Gallery).


Zrinka Šimičić Mihanović with Marina Bauer & Didier Douet / Karla Crnković WWF Adria / Vida Guzmić / Nicole Hewitt Ivan Slipčević / Tatjana Dunja Ivanišević / Jelena Maksimović / Maja Marković with Association for interdisciplinary and intercultural research / Nadija Mustapić/ Karlo Papišta Duška Boban Martin Baće Goran Škofić / Matea Šabić Sabljić / Alieta Monas Plejić / Renata Poljak / Sonja Pregrad with Tin Dožić & Andro Giunio / Lala Raščić / Neli Ružić / Selma Selman / Association for interdisciplinary and intercultural research with Stella Leboš& Luana Lojić

New work by Maja Marković "A Place on Hold" emerges in further inspiration from the architect Zoja Dumengjić and it is exhibited in Salon Galić in Split. Works by Stella Leboš and Luana Lojić emerged in our production in 2020 and with these works, a new Zoja Dumengjić Gallery is open in the Split Hospital, one of the most prominent works by Dumengjić but also one of the globally best-designed hospitals.  Stella Leboš, Luana Lojić, Maja Marković, and Sonja Leboš tackled the legacy of Zoja Dumengjić in the frame of our project "Retropolis" in 2019 and 2020.